Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Server terminated

Well our server was terminated due to late payment. I still want to continue #lurk but we are going to have to make some changes. We need more staff to help out. We need someone to help work on the website. I just don't have the time anymore. I wouldn't mind administrating the server and the website. But anything else we just need more help. I think if the site was more active we could get more donations. Anyway if you are interested in helping out please post a comment or email me at Also if you want to donate (we need the donations) please visit here.

Again if you have any ideas, comments, whatever, please don't hesitate to post a comment, email me, or talk to me on IRC.



  1. if you need uploader or someone who can manage the files count me in.

  2. i like you and need you lurk, sorry because couldn't help anything

  3. I still remember 6 years ago when I was downloading my pr0n from #underwhere and that #mirrors and #neverwhere...............................Holy Shit..I haven't been to #lurk since 5 years ago.......Nice nostalgia there with the random topic and how the topic can be changed just by saying "I'm a girl"

  4. as raidragon said i remember the days when i was just getting into manga, all the manga i read came from gotlurk whether it was neverwhere, mirrors or underwhere..... I MISS U GOTLURK/THELURKER!!!!

  5. Just donated. Are we going to have a goal here? Where is the server hosted? What do you have to pay yearly? What's our long term goal and how can we all work together to make sure this goal is accomplished?

  6. I can help with staffing! Be glad to do that!

  7. yea i still remember those, neverwhere underwhere coraline mirrors~ but then the layout changed b become messy & i got fed up n stop coming... really love the old layout. it was so easy to search look for the manga we want~

  8. It would be too said if lurk closed down. I'm willing to work as uploader. And surely I will donate too.
